Natalia Zylberlast-Zand (1883-1942?)
Natalia Zylberlast-Zand
Natalia Zylberlast-Zand was born on march 28, 1883 in Warsow in Congress Poland (an official part of the Russian Empire from 1867 to 1918). She was a second child of Dawid Zylberlast (Silberlast) (d. 1913) and Emilia Batavia (d. 1904). She had three siblings: two sisters - Julia Szliferstein (Szlifersztejn) and Regina Kon and a brother Alfred (1879–after 1938), who in adulthood changed his family name to Niemirski and was a film director and producer[1,2,3].
Warsaw 1883