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Łucja Frey-Gottesman (1889-1942?)

14.03.2024 | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies- History Online Project Grants Call 2021; „ The Role Of Women In The Development Of Neuroscience In Poland” | Autor: Krystyna Makowska 0

Józefa Franciszka Joteyko (1866-1928)

14.03.2024 | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies- History Online Project Grants Call 2021; „ The Role Of Women In The Development Of Neuroscience In Poland” | Autor: Krystyna Makowska 0

Salomea Bau-Prussak (1889-1942)

14.03.2024 | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies- History Online Project Grants Call 2021; „ The Role Of Women In The Development Of Neuroscience In Poland” | Autor: Krystyna Makowska 0

Natalia Zylberlast-Zand (1883-1942?)

14.03.2024 | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies- History Online Project Grants Call 2021; „ The Role Of Women In The Development Of Neuroscience In Poland” | Autor: Krystyna Makowska 0

Michalina Stefanowska (1855-1942)

14.03.2024 | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies- History Online Project Grants Call 2021; „ The Role Of Women In The Development Of Neuroscience In Poland” | Autor: Krystyna Makowska 0


15.03.2024 | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies- History Online Project Grants Call 2021; „ The Role Of Women In The Development Of Neuroscience In Poland” | Opublikował/a: Krystyna Makowska 0

The role of women in the development of neuroscience in Poland Krystyna Makowka1, Sławomir Gonkowski2 1 Department of Clinical Diagnostics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland 2 Department of Clinical Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland The project is supported by European History of Neuroscience Online Projects 2021, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies.

Janina Hurynowicz (1894-1967)

15.03.2024 | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies- History Online Project Grants Call 2021; „ The Role Of Women In The Development Of Neuroscience In Poland” | Autor: Krystyna Makowska 0

Stella Niemierko (1906-2006)

15.03.2024 | Federation of European Neuroscience Societies- History Online Project Grants Call 2021; „ The Role Of Women In The Development Of Neuroscience In Poland” | Autor: Krystyna Makowska 0

Konferencja „Insect rearing for food and feed” OWAD2024

22.06.2024 | Wiedza ogólna | Autor: Tadeusz Bakuła - emeryt 0
        Konferencja „Insect rearing for food and feed”  OWAD2024
